Schools in Malahide
Malahide has a wide range of schools for all ages.
St. Sylvester's Infant School
A:Yellow Walls Road T: 01 845 0061 E: stsylvesters@gmail.com W: www.stsylvestersinfantschool.com
St. Oliver Plunkett National School
A: Grove Road T: 01 845 3272 E: office@stops.ie W: www.stops.scoilnet.ie
St. Andrew's National School
A: Church Road T: 01 845 0185 E: standrewsschoolmalahide@eircom.net W: www.standrewsschoolmalahide.com
Pobal Scoil Iosa / Malahide Community School
A: Broomfield T: 01 846 3244 E: office@malahidecs.ie W: www.malahidecs.ie
Bright Sparks Montessori
A: The Paigles, Kinsealy Lane. T: 086 854 0870 E: info@brightsparksmontessori.ie
W: www.brightsparksmontessori.ie
Irish College of English (Language School)
A: Church Road T: 01 845 3744 E: info@iceireland.com W: www.iceireland.com